Andrew is native to Roane County. He first entered the construction field in the late 90's while in college as a student working in maintenance on college dorms at MTSU. He earned his General Contractor license and started ATM Construction in 2004 then moved back to Kingston in 2007 to be closer to family. Andrew and his wife Shana own the company and he is active as our General Contractor, head floor sweeper, and second assistant back up delivery man. He enjoys being a leader in his church (Morrison Hill Christian Church), camping, family, and a little target shooting on occasion. I little trip back to the beach next summer is in the works here.
Shana is from Middle Tennessee and earned her design degree from Murray State University in 1997. She has been in and around the Kitchen and Bath Design business since then. Shana co-owns the company with Andrew and is willing to lend an idea on designs when needed. She is currently full time as an award winning quilter and enjoys many types of sewing projects. She enjoys leading women's bible studies, and hearding cats at home. Shana has a very good eye for color and shapes that has helped her in may parts of her career. She helps with all the big company decisions because Andrew just can's do it alone.
Michael spent years as a licensed electrician before joining us and brought a variety of experiences with him when he joined our team in 2009. ATM Home Solutions would not be open today with out Michael Bivens. He has been with us through bad times and good times. He even took over the company operations on short notice when we had no one else in 2010, and again in 2012 when we needed him most. Michael operates daily as our most experienced Project Manager and since he is a licensed electrician he is often drafted back into that trade and several others. He has excelled in the past several years installing our whole house backup generators. He enjoys time to rest and spending time with his family. An occasional UT game on the TV never hurt anyone.
Karen's official title is Office Manager Extraordinaire! She has a combined history with the phone company running their construction projects and a number of years with a local roofing contractor. During the time she has been with ATM Home Solutions she has taken a tremendous load off our owners and the entire workforce at ATM. We are completing over 50 projects a year, with 8 employees, several subcontractors, and more bills than I can count (seriously, only she can count them all). She manages to keep it all together some how. She likes spending time with her family, friends, dogs, and cat or two. Karen also excels at giving me a hard time. (Wait, Edit that last part out before she sees it.)
Greg is one of those carpenters who just learned by figuring it out one day. I would say after several decades, trim and cabinetry are in his blood. Greg as spent most of his career or more installing custom trim and cabinetry to the point he has mastered the art. He has been with ATM for about 12 years as Project Manager typically taking projects that require the touch of a master. He has excelled at tile, customer relations, appliance installation, and many other parts of the projects. I hear he can paint too but I have not gotten him to admit it yet. Greg is a people person and spends much of his free time with friends, family, and shooting or fishing. (I don't think he shoots the fish, but a target at 1,000 yards better turn side ways to be safe).
Will came to ATM with experience from the plumbing industry and the furniture business. He joined us about 10 years ago and has proven to be a very good carpenter and project manager. Will brings a smile to peoples' faces and is dedicated at any task he is given. Will enjoys being active in his church and his house full of kids (last count there were 4, but could be more by now, not sure). He works first to care for his family, then a close second to care for the families of those we get to serve at work.
Mark spent the better part of 3 decades in the kitchen and cabinetry business after earning his degree in architecture. A cabinet maker by trade, Mark understands the essence of cabinetry inside and out including the nature of different types of wood and what they can and can not do. Mark worked with Shana Margrave before the formation of ATM. He actually brought Andrew and Shana together (Thanks Mark!). He moved here from Middle Tennessee to help open our new Design Showroom in Kingston several years ago. Mark is now enjoying his long deserved retirement in Oak Ridge, but we still pick his brain on occasion. Mark enjoys cooking, time with family, and meeting new friends every chance he gets.
Victoria's first project with ATM was on a backhoe helping dig up a septic tank at 16 years old (Seriously). I told her she would work with me when she was 18, and she did and has been with us ever since. She has become a good tile installer, carpenter, and helps on all types of projects. She is the first to grab a 50lb bag of mortar and head up hill to a job site. She enjoys projects at home and learning new things on the job. If there is an extra cat she may want to keep it. She is a new Aunt and she can not stay away from that baby as I hear it. (that is cute little baby)
ATM is always looking for more experienced professionals to join our team either as trade contractors. We are in the business of helping property owners to determine the solutions to fit their needs and putting the right professionals in place to fill the needs. If you're looking for a great career give us a call today to help fill those needs.
Naomi joined the ATM team in 2022 as a Carpenter's Apprentice. She quickly became proficient in floating floors, and has been learning a little of all the different trades involved in full scale residential renovation. She has been installing floor trusses, roof trusses, electrical, plumbing, walls, ceilings, and everything in between. She has even practiced some house design on our CAD software. I think that full day on the jackhammer was her favorite, but you would have to ask her about that. Naomi is a quick learner at work, excels in her school choir, and enjoys being part of the Youth Ministry at her church. She likes to stop at the end a hard day and look back at something solid she has built. Now that I think about it, I am not sure if she has gotten to mix concrete yet... I am excited to see what 2024 bring her way.